Nota: Després de guardar, tens que posar al dia la memòria cache del teu navegador per a vore els canvis. Mozilla / Firefox / Safari: Pressiona Shift mentres fas clic Actualisa (Reload), o pressiona Ctrl+Shift+R (Cmd+Shift+R en un Mac Apple); Internet Explorer: pressiona Ctrl mentres fas clic Actualisa (Refresh), o pressiona Ctrl+F5; Konqueror:: simplement fes clic en el botó Recarregar (Reload), o pressiona F5; Opera hauràs de borrar completament la teua memòria cache en Ferramentes→Preferències.

/* Common CSS for all skins */
/* Estilos para el CommonsTicker ([[Wikiproyecto:CommonsTicker]])
   According to the CSS specs, @import rules must precede any other CSS rules in a stylesheet,
   so this creates the need to place it in its own stylesheet for these purposes. */
@import "/w/index.php?title=Wikiproyecto:CommonsTicker/styles.css&action=raw&ctype=text/css&smaxage=2678400";
/*InterProject */
.interProject {
   clear: both; 
   border-top: 2px dotted #AAAAAA; 
   margin-top: 2em;
/* Evitar la aparición del subrayado al pasar sobre la imagen cuande se usa {{tl|clic}} */ 
.clic a:active, .clic a:hover {text-decoration:none}
/* Style for "notices" */
.notice {
    text-align: justify;
    margin: 1em;
    padding: 0.2em;
#disambig {
    border-top: 3px double #cccccc; 
    border-bottom: 3px double #cccccc;
#spoiler {
    border-top: 2px solid #ddd;
    border-bottom:2px solid #ddd;
/* Standard talk template style */
.Talk-Notice  {
    border: 1px solid #C0C090;
    background-color: #F8EABA;
    margin-bottom: 3px;
    width: 85%;
    border-spacing: 3px;
    margin-left: auto;
    margin-right: auto;
/* Make template background appear correctly on all browsers */
.Talk-Notice td {
    background: inherit;
/* Choose whether to have AD/BC dates or CE/BCE dates*/
/* First, the default : display both : See templates ADCE and BCEBC for how these are used*/
.Use_Default_Date_Convention { display: inline; }
.Use_AD_and_BC { display: none; }
.Use_BCE_and_CE { display: none; }
/* If you want to display AD and BC add the following to User:You/monobook.css page */
.Use_Default_Date_Convention { display: none; }
.Use_AD_and_BC { display:inline; }
.Use_BCE_and_CE { display:none; }
/*If you want to display CE and BCE add the following to User:You/monobook.css page */
.Use_Default_Date_Convention { display: none; }
.Use_AD_and_BC { display:none; }
.Use_BCE_and_CE {display:inline; }
/*Add formatting to make sure that "external references" from [[Template:Ref]] do
  not get URL expansion, not even when printed. The mechanism up to MediaWiki 1.4 was
  that the HTML code contained a SPAN following the anchor A; this SPAN had the class
  "urlexpansion", which was not displayed on screen, but was shown when the medium was
  "print". The rules below ensure (a) that there is no extra padding to the right of
  the anchor (displayed as "[<number>]"), (b) that there is no "external link arrow" for
  the link, and (c) that this SPAN of class "urlexpansion" is never shown.
.plainlinksneverexpand {
  background: none ! important;
  padding: 0 ! important;
.plainlinksneverexpand .urlexpansion {
  display : none ! important;
/* Make sure that ext links displayed within "plainlinksneverexpand" don't get
   the arrow...
.plainlinksneverexpand a {
   background: none !important;
   padding: 0 !important
/* styles for geography infoboxes, e.g. countries, national subdivisions, cities, etc. */
.InfoDerecha {
  clear: right;
  float: right;
  margin: 0 0 1em 1em;
.infobox.geography {
   border: 1px solid #ccd2d9;
   text-align: left;
   border-collapse: collapse;
   line-height: 1.2em; 
   font-size: 90%;
.infobox.geography  td,
.infobox.geography  th {
   border-top: solid 1px #ccd2d9;
   padding: 0.4em 0.2em 0.4em 0.8em;
.infobox.geography .mergedtoprow td,
.infobox.geography .mergedtoprow th {
   border-top: solid 1px #ccd2d9;
   padding: 0.4em 0.2em 0.2em 0.8em;
.infobox.geography .mergedrow td,
.infobox.geography .mergedrow th {
      border: 0;
      padding: 0 0.2em 0.2em 0.8em;
.infobox.geography .mergedbottomrow td,
.infobox.geography .mergedbottomrow th {
   border-top: 0;
   border-bottom: solid 1px #ccd2d9;
   padding: 0 0.2em 0.4em 0.8em;
.infobox.geography .maptable td,
.infobox.geography .maptable th {
      border: 0;
      padding: 0 0 0 0;
/* With MediaWiki 1.5, the mechanism has changed: instead of a SPAN of class "urlexpansion"
  following the anchor A, the anchor itself now has class "external autonumber" and the
  expansion is inserted when printing (see the common printing style sheet at using the ":after" pseudo-
  element of CSS. We have to switch this off for links due to Template:Ref!
.plainlinksneverexpand a.external.text:after {
 display: none !important;
.plainlinksneverexpand a.external.autonumber:after {
 display: none !important;
/* Merge template style */
.messagebox {
   border: 1px solid #aaaaaa;
   background-color: #f9f9f9;
   width: 85%;
   margin: 0 auto 1em auto;
   padding: .2em;
   text-align: justify;
   font-size: 90%;
.messagebox.merge {
   border: 1px solid #cf9fff;
   background-color: #f5edf5;
   text-align: center;
.messagebox.cleanup {
   border: 1px solid #9f9fff;
   background-color: #efefff;
   text-align: center;
.messagebox.standard-talk {
   border: 1px solid #c0c090;
   background-color: #f8eaba;
   text-align: center;
.messagebox.warning {
   border: 1px solid #fcc;
   background-color: #fee;
   text-align: center;
   font-size: 100%;
/* Article message box template styles */
table.ambox {
    margin: 0 10%;                       /* Will not overlap with other elements */
    border-collapse: collapse; 
    background: #fbfbfb; 
    border: 1px solid #aaa; 
    border-left: 10px solid #1e90ff;     /* Default "notice" blue */
table.ambox th.ambox-text, table.ambox td.ambox-text {      /* The message body cell(s) */
    padding: 0.25em 0.5em;            /* 0.5em left/right */
    width: 100%;                      /* Make all templates the same width regardless of text size */
table.ambox td.ambox-image {          /* The left image cell */
    padding: 2px 0px 2px 0.5em;       /* 0.5em left, 0px right */
    text-align: center; 
table.ambox td.ambox-imageright {     /* The right image cell */
    padding: 2px 4px 2px 0px;         /* 0px left, 4px right */
    text-align: center; 
table.ambox-notice {
    border-left: 10px solid #1e90ff;     /* Blue */
/* border-right: 10px solid #1e90ff; */  /* If you want two blue bars */
table.ambox-serious {
    border-left: 10px solid #b22222;     /* Red */
table.ambox-content {
    border-left: 10px solid #f28500;     /* Orange */
table.ambox-style {
    border-left: 10px solid #f4c430;     /* Yellow */
table.ambox-merge {
    border-left: 10px solid #9932cc;     /* Purple */
table.ambox-growth {
  border-left: 10px solid #228b22;       /* Green */
table.ambox-protection {
    border-left: 10px solid #bba;        /* Gray */
table.ambox.ambox-mini {                 /* Small floating box variant */
    float: right;
    clear: right;
    margin: 0 0 0 1em;
    width: 25%;
@media print {                           /* Do not print article message box */
    .ambox {
        display: none;
/* Infobox template style */
.infobox {
    border: 1px solid #aaa;
    background-color: #f9f9f9;
    color: black;
    margin-bottom: 0.5em;
    margin-left: 1em;
    padding: 0.2em;
    float: right;
    clear: right;
.infobox td,
.infobox th {
    vertical-align: top;
.infobox caption {
    font-size: larger;
    margin-left: inherit;
.infobox.bordered {
    border-collapse: collapse;
.infobox.bordered td,
.infobox.bordered th {
    border: 1px solid #aaa;
.infobox.bordered .borderless td,
.infobox.bordered .borderless th {
    border: 0;
.infobox.sisterproject {
    width: 20em;
    font-size: 90%;
@media print {
    .infobox.sisterproject {
        display: none;
/* Importo formato para versos de WikiSource
pre.verse {
  background-color: #ffffff;
  line-height: 150%;
  border: none;
  padding-left: 2em;
  margin: 0;
  white-space: pre;
.IconoPlantillaMantenimiento {
  margin-left: 1em; 
  margin-right: 1em; 
/* Support for Template:IPA, Template:Unicode and Template:Polytonic. The inherit declaration
   resets the font for all browsers except MSIE6.  The empty comment must remain. */
.IPA {
        font-family: Chrysanthi Unicode, Doulos SIL, Gentium, GentiumAlt, Code2000,
                     TITUS Cyberbit Basic, DejaVu Sans, Bitstream Vera Sans,
                     Bitstream Cyberbit, Arial Unicode MS, Lucida Sans Unicode,
                     Hiragino Kaku Gothic Pro, Matrix Unicode;
        font-family /**/:inherit;
.Unicode {
        font-family: TITUS Cyberbit Basic, Code2000, Doulos SIL, Chrysanthi Unicode,
                     Bitstream Cyberbit, Bitstream CyberBase, Thryomanes,
                     Gentium, GentiumAlt, Visual Geez Unicode, Lucida Grande,
                     Arial Unicode MS, Microsoft Sans Serif, Lucida Sans Unicode;
        font-family /**/:inherit;
.polytonic {
        font-family: Athena, Gentium, Palatino Linotype, Arial Unicode MS,
                     Lucida Sans Unicode, Lucida Grande, Code2000; 
        font-family /**/:inherit;
/** Estilos para tablas.
    la idea es, si se quiere que la primera columna de la tabla esté alineada
    a la derecha, la segunda centrada  y la tercera a la izquierda, usar
    {| class="col1der col2cen col3izq"
    en vez de repetir "style='text-align:right'", etc, en '''cada''' celda
table.col1der TD:first-child { text-align:right; }
table.col1izq TD:first-child { text-align:left; }
table.col1cen TD:first-child { text-align:center; }
table.col2der TD:first-child + TD { text-align:right; }
table.col2izq TD:first-child + TD { text-align:left; }
table.col2cen TD:first-child + TD { text-align:center; }
table.col3der TD:first-child + TD + TD { text-align:right; }
table.col3izq TD:first-child + TD + TD { text-align:left; }
table.col3cen TD:first-child + TD + TD { text-align:center; }
table.col4der TD:first-child + TD + TD + TD { text-align:right; }
table.col4izq TD:first-child + TD + TD + TD { text-align:left; }
table.col4cen TD:first-child + TD + TD + TD { text-align:center; }
table.col5der TD:first-child + TD + TD + TD + TD { text-align:right; }
table.col5izq TD:first-child + TD + TD + TD + TD { text-align:left; }
table.col5cen TD:first-child + TD + TD + TD + TD { text-align:center; }
/* hiddenStructure importado de w:en para permitir esconder automáticamente
   los parámetros vacíos en tablas */
.hiddenStructure {
   display: none;
   speak: none;
/* Ayudita para [[Especial:Allpages]]: los redirects aparecen en cursiva */
.allpagesredirect {font-style: italic;}
/* Put a checker background at the image description page only visible
   if the image has transparent background */
#file img {
  background: url(
form#upload,.UploadFormShowed {display: none;}
/* Estilo para controlar el tamaño del texto citado.
   Quien quiera cambiar el suyo no tiene más que editar su propia monobook.css */
.citado {
   font-size: 90%;
   padding: 0.1em;
/* Disponibilidad para tareas de mantenimiento/Tablas por día/semana */
table.user-availability { 
   border:1px solid #333366; 
table.user-availability th { 
table.user-availability .toprow td+td { 
   border:1px solid #aaaaaa 
table.user-availability .off { 
   border:1px solid #aaaaaa;
table.user-availability .onn {
   border:1px solid #aaaaaa;
table.user-availability .wrk { 
   border:1px solid #aaaaaa;
table.user-availability .cll { 
   border:1px solid #aaaaaa;
table.user-availability .key { 
   border-top:1px dashed black;
table.user-availability .key span { 
/* Change the external link icon to an Adobe icon for all PDF files */
/* (in browsers that support these CSS selectors, like Mozilla and Opera) */
#bodyContent a[href$=".pdf"].external, 
#bodyContent a[href*=".pdf?"].external, 
#bodyContent a[href*=".pdf#"].external,
#bodyContent a[href$=".PDF"].external, 
#bodyContent a[href*=".PDF?"].external, 
#bodyContent a[href*=".PDF#"].external {
    background: url( center right no-repeat;
    padding-right: 16px;
/* Change the external link icon to an Adobe icon anywhere the PDFlink class */
/* is used (notably Template:PDFlink). This works in IE, unlike the above. */
span.PDFlink a {
    background: url( center right no-repeat !important;
    padding-right: 17px !important;
/* make the list of references look smaller */
ol.references {
   font-size: 100%;
.references-small { font-size: 90%;}
.references-2column {
  font-size: 90%;
/* Highlight clicked reference in blue to help navigation */
ol.references > li:target {
background-color: #DEF;
sup.reference:target { 
background-color: #DEF;
/*** Llamadas al pie:
     esto oculta los corchetes
     (en los navegadores que entienden css)
.corchete-llamada { display /**/: none; }
/* Ocultar para los no bibliotecarios */
.para_biblios { display: none }
.rotate_0 { display: block }
.rotate_1, .rotate_2, .rotate_3, .rotate_4, .rotate_5, .rotate_6, .rotate_7, .rotate_8, .rotate_9 { display: none }
/* Geographical coordinates 
To display coordinates using the notation in the source code, write this in your User:Username/monobook.css:
   .geo-default { display: inline } .geo-nondefault { display: none } 
   .geo-dec { display: inline } .geo-dms { display: inline }
To display coordinates using decimal notation, write this in your User:Username/monobook.css:
   .geo-default { display: inline } .geo-nondefault { display: inline } 
   .geo-dec { display: inline } .geo-dms { display: none }
To display coordinates using DMS notation, write this in your User:Username/monobook.css:
   .geo-default { display: inline } .geo-nondefault { display: inline } 
   .geo-dec { display: none }   .geo-dms { display: inline }
To display coordinates in both decimal and DMS notation, write this in your User:Username/monobook.css:
   .geo-default { display: inline } .geo-nondefault { display: inline } 
   .geo-dec { display: inline }   .geo-dms { display: inline }
   .geo-multi-punct { display: inline }
See [[Template:Coor link]] for how these are used.
Note that the classes "geo", "longitude", and "latitude" are not just styles but also used by the [[Geo microformat]], so the names should not be changed.
.geo-default { display: inline; }
.geo-nondefault { display: none; }
.geo-dms { display: inline; }
.geo-dec { display: inline; }
.geo-multi-punct { display: none; }
.longitude .latitude {
    white-space: nowrap;
/* This is used for the Geo microformat, but no style is needed for now other than .geo-dec. */
.geo { }
/***** end Geo-related */
/* [[Plantilla:Muchasref]] */
@media screen, projection {
  .listareferencias {
    border:    1px solid #AAAAAA;
    height:    220px;
    overflow:  auto;
    padding:   3px;